Monday, April 19, 2010

In the News: Study on Spanking

This is by no means a parenting blog, and I'm not here to tell you how to discipline your children. But I thought this study on the effects spanking has on kids was interesting. The study found that kids who were spanked more than twice a month at age 3 were 50 percent more likely to be aggressive 5-year-olds.,8599,1981019,00.html

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not endorse spanking or other forms of corporal punishment for any reason and, based on other evidence, states that spanking is not effective in promoting long-term behavioral changes in children. Instead the AAP recommends other forms of punishment, particularly time out, as it helps a child to understand what and why a particular behavior is inappropriate. The recommended time for a time out is 1 minute for every year of your child's age.

What are you thoughts on this study? What methods of discipline work with your children?

1 comment:

  1. I personally don't think spanking is a terrible thing. I was spanked as a child and don't have any permanent damage I'm aware of. :) However, I find the study very interesting. I imagine that children whose parents spank, probably have more aggressive parents as well. I personally think time outs followed by a calm discussion about the reason for the time out has been very effective for my children and myself. It gives both of us time to cool off and work through the problem. On the other hand, when it comes to nap time, time outs don't work very well since they'd rather be in time out. I'd love any thoughts on what to do about that...
