Friday, April 2, 2010

Ask a Nurse: Treating Nosebleeds

What is the proper way to treat a nosebleed? I never remember if I should tilt the head forward or backward.

There are many misconceptions about how to treat nosebleeds. Here’s a list of dos and don’ts.

Do . . .

1. Remain calm. While a nosebleed can be frightening, it is rarely serious.
2. Keep your child in a sitting or standing position. Tilt his head slightly forward and have him gently blow his nose if he is old enough. Tilting the head forward keeps the blood from running down the back of the throat.
3. Pinch the lower half of your child’s nose (the soft part) between your thumb and finger and hold it firmly for 10 minutes. Don’t release the nose during this time to check if it is still bleeding.
4. Release the pressure after 10 minutes and wait. If the bleeding hasn’t stopped, repeat this step. If after 10 more minutes of pressure, the bleeding hasn’t stopped, call your pediatrician or go to the nearest ER.

Don’t . . .

1. Panic. If you panic, so will your child.
2. Have your child lie down or tilt back his head.
3. Stuff tissues, gauze, or any other material into your child’s nose to stop the bleeding.

If you have a question you would like Nurse Brittany to answer, e-mail it to

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